#884 did not resolve root cause
It still crash when using LayoutAnimation in UWP App
Hi everyone.
We are maintainers of `vscode-react-native` extension and recently we've got the following issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-react-native/issues/625#issuecomment-368421380 - f…
I am wondering if this library works fine with "useNativeDriver" or not?
If it "can" work, it would probably be helpful to allow using nativeDrive with a prop attribute in this line:
Hi, I created a component based on exemple `CustomTabs.js`, how can I pass a custom title or label for each route for my *custom tab bar*.
Like this:
const TabRouterConfig = TabRouter({
When running react-native init AwesomeProject...
John-Goerings-MacBook-Pro-2:Documents John$ react-native init AwesomeProject
This will walk you through creating a new React Native project in…
epaga updated
6 years ago
The Google Maps iOS app, and many other material design apps, use this same bottom sheet behavior on both iOS and Android. Are there any plans to make this library cross-compatible with iOS as well?
At least:
- [x] 1 ListView / RecyclerView
- [x] 1 ViewPager
- [x] CardViews
- [x] LayoutAnimations
- [x] PageTransformers
- [x] Material Design Concepts
**What is the current behavior?**
"react-native/Libraries/Renderer/src/renderers/native/ReactNativePropRegistry" is undefined in react-native-web
ngduc updated
7 years ago
This is the basic layout of my app, I've isolated below as a test case. Its `Component`'s `render()` function:
render() {
const whSmall = Dimensions.get('window').width < Dimensions…
`hTextView.animateText("line1 \n line2 \n line3");`不能显示为三行,而是显示成一行?如果想显示多行数据应该怎么办?