expected (new) date : july 8th
The moving part closely followed of this release is Python-3.7 with numba.
The other parts are in follow-up mode. (10x less effort)
expected features:
- WinPyth…
I get something else than my usual map, when I do this, with bqplot-0.11.0+Jupyterlab-0.33.2:
# ipyleaflet (javascript library usage)
from ipyleaflet import (
Map, Marker, TileLayer, Imag…
I'm looking for an open source alternative using Python to make video overlay.
I'd like to make something similar to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJIg9FOGH84
see also http://www.dashware.n…
I my version of PsychoPy 1.90.1, I had to comment out the section in _psychopyApp.py that tries to download ffmpeg:
# if we have imageio then try to download ffmpeg
I'll try to tackle that one with the simple [cv2 support](http://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_gui/py_video_display/py_video_display.html)
Clorr updated
6 years ago
With the lastest release (which I need since it solves the Windows 10 high resolution text issue) I always get this error when running experiments in PsychoPy. Everything seems to be fine, just the er…
fedme updated
6 years ago
I am trying just a simple program to read in a video file:
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, concatenate_videoclips
from moviepy.editor import *
def testVid():
clip = VideoFile…
I couldn't get my gif to play once or loop a fixed amount of times, after looking at the declaration for this function on line 282 the parameter is missing from imageio.save() so the the variable is n…
When running step 8 from the README on the example data, we encountered the following error. Traceback below. Used a stock Anaconda install with `tensorflow-gpu` on a Titan X. Can provide more details…
### Type: Bug
### Brief description of the problem
On a Heroku instance, Opus will not load on the default audio cog. My requirements.txt and Aptfile (using the apt build-pack) are below, and I …