I use torch 2.3.1 and cuda 12.1
Can Medsam2 automatically segment organs in endoscopic surgery videos?
hi, Does anyone know What I should put in --version ?
Hi, First of all, thank you for your contribution to your work.
I’m delightfully enjoying your code. However, in some cases, I’ve encountered a problem related to the generation of meaningless whit…
![workflow (1)](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b66c35dc-adc7-48b2-98bf-a4feb6a5179c)
### Expected Behavior
download SAM2 nodes by kijai
### Actual Behavior
![Screenshot 2024-07-31 145652](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/248dba47-91fd-449b-9a81-9c01102af47e)
Unable to …
Hello, if I want to fine tune my dataset, can you provide a dataset creation script or code.
I get an error with this line of code in segment-anything-2\sam2\utils\misc.py (about line 60-ish)
def get_connected_components(mask):
Get the connected components (8-connectivity) of…
I am trying to use SAM2 for video masklets. However, I run into this error:
`C:\Users\\Documents\SNU\sam2_gui\segment-anything-2\sam2\modeling\backbones\hieradet.py:72: UserWarning: 1Torc…