Proptable is not coming when I am using babel 7 to transpile the typescript file. Github [link](https://github.com/gmukul01/component-library-ts-boilerplate) for the code.
### Taro UI 版本信息
### 问题描述
给AtTabs添加scroll使其滚动,得到警告:设置 enable-flex 属性以使 flexbox 布局生效,应该是内部使用的scroll-view未作处理。
### 复现步骤
1、从https://taro-ui.aotu.io/#/docs/tabs Taro-UI文档中复制滚动标签栏代码
I'm an avid user of stylelint. It would be nice to have stylelint support as part of the built process. Is this something you would consider adding (configured with the .stylelintrc file).
# react-scaffold
## 写在前面
> 开始时间`2018-09-04`
本日志仅为[FireLeaf-React 2.x](https://github.com/NARUTOne/FireLeaf-React)搭建过程.
- React
- React-router
- Redux
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Ignored or Blocked
These are…
Vulnerable Library - stylelint-13.13.1.tgz
Path to dependency file: /inst/templates/node/package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /inst/templates/node/node_modules/postcss/package.json
## Vulne…
I am using `react-scripts` version `^4.0.3` in my project.
I also use `react-app-rewired`, `stylelint` and `stylelint-webpack-plugin` (latest versions).
When I am trying to run `npm start`, I am g…
Inspired by #4
SCSS-lint (sorry to bring it up again; can't help it, since it's a functioning tool and the one seems the most popuar) has [VariableForProperty](https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/b…
In GitLab by @sobolevn on Jul 20, 2019, 02:35
## Problem
I am writing [quite a complex plugin](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguide) with lots of configuration options.
In my use of `doiuse` for [Foundation](https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites), I have a lot of properties that are _partially_ supported.
The most common are:
- `rem` and `transition` by IE9/10…