I've just updated `karma-typescript` from `2.1.7` to `3.0.4`.
Everything works so far, but i have noticed that the line number of the origin typescript file is missing on test error output.…
I want to use CodeceptJS with typescipt. I tryed to require `ts-node/register` in bootstap file, but i got runtime TypeError.
> Provide console output if related. Use `--verbose` mode for more de…
## ENV ##
OS : windows 10
Node version: v6.10.3
yarn version : 0.24.5
Tried with npm as well
npm version : 3.10.10
### Description ###
Application is throwing TSError when tried to start with…
I wanted to convert the project to Typescipt project . so I did following steps:
Typescirpt added the Generators and Iteration for ES5/ES3:
Please see here:
For now the client part (in Angular 2) and the server part (Express) are in the same repository.
But they have many differencies (the client is in TypeScript, the server in JavaScript...) and it does…
Eslint: 3.15 (with eslint-scope#master)
TypeScript: next
typescipt-eslint-parser: master
**What code were you trying to parse?**
declare namespace FF {
class Foo extends Bar.Baz {
### Description
I've converted your code to run features HMR, but not work.
I get full browser logs.
Screen 1
Introduce two new syntax for type declaration based on JSDoc
``` typescript
var myString: !string = 'hello world'; //non-nullable
var myString1: ?string = 'hello world'; // nullable
var myString2: s…
> 3>C:\Users\Csaba\Documents\Src\Proj\Scripts\free-jqGrid\ts\free-jqgrid.d.ts(8,1): error TS2688: Build:Cannot find type definition file for 'jquery'.
> 3>C:\Users\Csaba\Documents\Src\Proj\Scripts\fr…
然后参考 这里webpack2.X 的 配置样例,了解到您是通过run-react集成webpack配置,所以下载并修改了 run-react src里面的dev.config配置文件