I would like to suggest an addition to the 'find best intervals' function.
Given the important of rest intervals during an interval workout, would it be possible to toggle an "include recovery" butt…
Opening this up as a todo list for preparing for v3 release, add any others you can think of...
Things to do before releasing v3 formally;
1. Ensure wiki us up to date -- or at least old wiki is prop…
I'm trying to call listObjects, isValidBucketName, but none of them are working. I always get the following error:
A2S3 and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "isValidBucketName…
jixt updated
11 years ago
Mainot treniņu programmas webā, viņš aplikācijā vecās neizdzēš, pieliek klāt jaunās. Man liekas, ka nākošais solis tagad būtu iztīrīt/noslēpt/soft delete kā igauņi to sauc to treniņu datu bāzi no tren…
John is reporting that HTTPS connections aren't going through his proxy in the current version, whilst it worked correctly in http://archive.webconverger.com/webc-12.3.iso