This is more of a question and potentially an enhancement. the `.content.xml` file that defines the clientlib's: node type, dependencies, embed, ...etc is not auto generated. Instead, a JSON file with…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Enable mod_pagespeed
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The page breaks. CSS is missing.
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at…
In particular `uptime_ms` -> `process_start_time_seconds`.
Perhaps we can also find some way of calcu…
Hi, just a small request, as there is no easy consensus on how clientlibs work. And probably this archetype would be the best way to provide best practice
It is suggested to use Component-Level clien…
I followed the instructions mentioned in the README. Still not able to get it to work. From the video, it seems that we are checking page from file system rather than AEM instance. Is that right?
Description A web application accepts a untrusted input that specifies a link to an external site, and uses that link to generate a redirect. This enables phishing attacks.
Instances found via Sta…
This solution doesn't work if the rewriter is in rummode specific folder. For an example if you have /apps/myapp/config.publish.prod/rewriter/versioned-clientlibs version never created.
It seems that the umsgpack module, implemented in pure python, is an order of magnitude slower than the msgpack module, written with CPython bindings
Add more Adobe products. There is currently Acrobat Reader and Photoshop, but many of the important ones are missing. There seems to be a lot of products, many of which no one has heard of, so I belie…
Recently, the md5 enforce feature was added to the VersionedClientlibsTransformerFactory. However, this parameter does not actually enforce the md5 to be present.
I.e. I can still do a call to http…