**What kind of the bug**
- [X] problem
- [ ] solution
- [X] language
**Describe the bug**
Testcase 52 is nearly-impossible to solve within the given time limit given for Javascript (and only Ja…
- [x] [AtCoderProblems API](https://github.com/kenkoooo/AtCoderProblems)
- [x] [Codeforces API](https://codeforces.com/apiHelp)
- [x] [AOJ API](http://developers.u-aizu.ac.jp/index)
- [x] [yukicode…
**What kind of the bug**
- [x] problem
- [ ] solution
- [ ] language
**Describe the bug**
Below solution gets accepted due to weak test cases.
**what language is your code written in**
**What kind of the bug**
- [ yes] problem
- [ yes] solution
- [ ] language
**Describe the bug**
The question appeared in the Bi-weekly contest 25
**What language is your code written in**
#### Your LeetCode username
#### Category of the bug
- [ ] Question
- [X] Solution
- [ ] Language
#### Description of the bug
Please include test case
**What kind of the bug**
- [ ] problem
- [ ] solution
- [ ] language
- [x] system
**Describe the bug**
Incorrect calculation of time used.
From weekly contest 186
# LeetCode 周赛 178 题解
最近开始在打 Leetcode 的周赛,既然每次想都想了,所以顺道就写一下思路和题解,顺带监督一波自己,有兴趣的同学可以留言一起交流。
I submitted my solution and got Accepted status during Contest.
Problem No. 1376
After I got Accepted on submitted , T moved to the next problem.
But after the contest was over, when I saw my ran…
**What kind of the bug**
- [x] staff
**Describe the bug**
In the [Biweekly 22](https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-22/ranking/), it is crystal clear that one of `#7 please_AC` and `#1…