`MixerClient` has a level for softcut master but it isn't applied (to save cycles)
`.addFrom()` should change to `.mixFrom(levels.cut)` here:
also possibility that we can directly upload scripts via dfu-util to the single 64kb page, which will likely be much faster than TTY plus has built-in data integrity checks.
the initial version requires the user to 'require' the table for their module to be remote-controlled:
`require 'JF'`
the design would mean a call to eg: `ii.jf.transpose()` would fail if the abov…
It seems like moved sc files (such as me moving CroneGenEngine.sc from the sc engine folder to ”~/dust/lib/sc/abstractions”) might mess up/cause sclang discrepancies in the update process. This might…
discussion so far has produced this task list. kinda putting in order of complexity (low->high).
(checking these as they are added to open PRs. doesn't mean they are fully tested.)
(current tra…
With norns system date/time being highly inaccurate due to absence of hwclock, it makes sense to name recorded files with numbers (foo00001.aif), does it?
The playing indicator displays on the parameters screen while a sequence is running, caused by calling screen.update() outside of redraw(). This also might have led to a freeze on the parameters scree…
HID lua layer is confusing at best and almost certainly has bugs.
for example, it appears that some devices fail to be removed on unplug, others get attempted double-frees.
as reported on this P…
these reports from lines seem the same, and not anything else:
similar issues, addressed in the update, were du…
$genomepy install GRCm38.p6 Ensembl
downloading from ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-92/fasta/mus_musculus/dna/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz...
name: GRCm38.p6
local nam…