Adding the virtuoso-package to our app causes it to crash with following error message ins MS Edge: "SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number". As far as I can tell MS Edge still doesn't supp…
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-virtuoso/dist/react-virtuoso.es.production.js
Module parse failed: /Users/xx/Desktop/xx/react-virtuoso/dist/react-virtuoso.es.production.js Unexpected token (1:12692)
Hi, I wanted to test that lib on an umd application.
After putting the https://unpkg.com/react-virtuoso@0.7.0/dist/react-virtuoso.umd.production.js in the the head of my html. i cant find the Virtuos…
When the parent element of Virtuoso changes its display mode from visible to hidden, the list is eventually empty.
I use `@reach/tabs` and all the `TabPanel` elements contain a Virtuoso list. If I …
I want to run bit on this project https://github.com/petyosi/react-virtuoso
and when I added the component with tests, the test files in .bitmap is not correct.
This is what I get:
Could this library be used alongside react-custom-scrollbars? I was previously using react-window and this was supported by passing a ref of the rendered list to react-custom-scrollbars onScroll metho…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to: https://virtuoso.dev/?path=/story/introduction--100-000-items
1. Click into the list.
1. Use page down or spacebar.
1. Notice the list scrolls down one page.
1. H…
Submitting Author: Carl Boettiger (@cboettig)
Version submitted: 0.1.1 (tagged)
Editor: Melina Vidoni (@melvidoni)
Reviewer 1: Ildiko Czeller (@czeildi)
Reviewer 2: Edgar Ruiz (@ed…
This is an issue that provides an overview of the proposed metadata service, client, and UI being developed in this repo.
## Background
Entities in the JupyterLab universe (notebooks, text files…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […