The library worked great when I was sending fata over wifi through ESP8266 and serial. Now, I tried using NRF24L01 and SX1278 LoRa, which are SPI devices. As soon as I try to send anything, the p…
What's the best way to test embedded-hal drivers without actual hardware access?
I think a "mocked" implementation of the embedded-hal traits would be very useful. I started with I2C and Delay:
dbrgn updated
5 years ago
Hi everybody, I am trying to connect my Lora SX1278 with my arduino Uno R3, here is my wiring Aduino with Lora Ra-02 over logic converter 3v3 to 5v:
I am trying the FSK mode with the Ping Pong Example.
With a buffer size = 64, it's working well.
Then I try with a buffer longer(size = 200).( All bytes are filled)
The radio transfer works, 32 …
First thanks for nice work !
Is ET32-TTL-100 module supported ?
It is based on SX1278 and has M0,M1,RXD,TXD,GND and VCC pins :
I bought an sx1278 works on 433m, but I don't know whether it can be supported by software.
Some ideas? I hate to waste my money:-(
in void setup called
core_two_task, /* Function to implement the task */
"core_two_task", /* Name of the task */
10000, /* Stack si…
Hello, im trying to use your magnificient library with my ESP32 \SX1278 module, this does not work, could you perhaps fix it ?
Im trying the nolora sketches, and i get complaints about avr\progmem …
So I found out that the ./LoRaPktFwrd should be the command to execute the program, not ./LoRaPktFwd. But even then it outputs "Unable to open SPI device: No such file or directory". I do ha…
Can you explain, how to build the version? I can compile it, but I have problems with i2s. I have not replace the i2s.h and i2s.c because it's not compiling with it.