[TAILING] Tailing last 15 lines for [all] processes (change the value with --lines option)
/root/.pm2/pm2.log last 15 lines:
PM2 | 2020-07-03T21:58:20: PM2 log: App [server:0] online
anyone knows how I can set proxy for receive updates?
Hy, as mentioned in title would that be possible? Why should I keep the message when the user accepts it. For other user it's very confusing sometimes. So not only deleting the old ones, also delete t…
I was using `rocket 0.4` until now. But I have some problems with dependency named `ring` or something like that, when i tried to install new versions of `tokio` or `tgbot`
So, I decided …
При запуске бота получаю в логи:
2020-01-19 19:22:24,853 - HikvisionAPI:141 - ERROR - Failed to query API: Unhandled response code: 405
Access Error: 405 -- Method Not Allowed
Hey guys!
Sometimes, like once per a few days, I would receive this error
`[2019-07-17T07:52:47Z ERROR tgbot::handler::poll] An error has occurred while getting updates: Error("\"from\" field i…
I'm trying to combine Tide with a current implementation we have that uses the Reqwest HTTP client. The problem comes when using a reqwest client inside a tide endpoint, as in that moment the reqwest …
I am currently having troubles with setting up Marie.
When trying to start here I get the following Error:
2020-01-02 12:39:54,994 - tg_bot - INFO - Not loading: ['translation']
Visto che , da quanto scrivono nel gruppo, il bot che informava dei libri del giorno non funziona più, potremmo integrarlo lavorando sul modulo rss di tgbot.
I have found out that webhook can reply with message. [See link](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests-when-getting-updates)
I have test it, and it is true. Here is a primiti…