Hi, I wanted to ask - how can a canvas be positioned from a custom loop? I have read the examples, but there are so many layers of indirection and abstraction that I couldn't figure out how to make d…
When I try to create an option list either through XML or directly in code I am getting this error:
/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/stablexui/1,2,0/src/ru/stablex/ui/widgets/Options.hx:252: characters…
Hi. When I try to get access to method `$this.run` of Clock, then I have error `ui/custom.xml:1: character 0 : openfl.events.IEventDispatcher has no field run`
Hi. Is it possible to register custom haxe-class and use it in custom xml-based class?
I have a test project:
## Issue description
After successfully setting up syncthing, I installed syncthing-gtk (python27Packages.syncthing-gtk). It installed without errors, but it won't start when I try to run it.
### …
Hi. When I trying to change value for widgets Options, then event WidgetEvent.CHANGE will be fired 2 times.
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import ru.stablex.ui.*;
Hi. When I have an error with an RTXml, when I try to set image-src as path to file:
states-up-ico-skin:Img-src="($Path.join([%CWD, 'presets/default/img/checkbox_unchecked.png']))"
Hi. When I try to enumerate defaults in XML with spaces, like a `"'Default, ChildWindowHeader'"`, then UIBuilder can't find class 'ChildWindowHeader'. Just needed make trim() for each def. names
This is not so much an issue but a question. How do you set the label color in a button? I have been looking for documentation on this but none seems to be available.