Vim's automatic background color detection works in GUI mode, but not in a terminal.
On any xterm-compatible terminal, vim could detect the background color via terminal escapes (documented in http:/…
Maybe you'd like to add mintty to your supporting terminal list on the libsixel project page.
I've added a gnuplot screenshot to the mintty home page http://mintty.github.io/ and I'd like to mention s…
I tried ls_extended but it seems that it doesn't respect my ~/.dircolors.
Am I missing something or is this not implemented ?
Would it be difficult to implement ?
I just compiled and installed jp2a 1.0.7
configure doesnt detect any strange things... the only "no" are these:
_checking for curl-config... no
checking vfork.h usability... no
checking vfork.h…
I have `tabs -4` in my .bashrc, because 8-letter-wide spaces are overkill for most purposes. `htop` however sadly reuses this environment variable and thus the displayed columns get corrupted. Please …
on the 0.17rc i used the binaries elinks-0.17.0rc1-armhf-bin.tar.xz i keep getting a floating point error for both elinks and elinks-lite.
i don't know what dependency it might be.
sorry floating …
I'm including a screenshot of what I'm talking about.
Here I'm remotely controlling my Linux box by forwarding it's X session via an SSH tunnel. XQuartz is used here to display the entire X display…
Dear all,
Since I updated GRASS (8.2 -> 8.3.2) and rgrass (?-> 0.4-2), the installation seems broken and I can't start a GRASS session from R anymore. The error message I receive is the following:
- [x] I am on the [latest](https://github.com/zeit/hyper/releases/latest) Hyper.app version
- [x] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/zeit/hyper/issues) of this repo and believe tha…
I am using Vim 7.4 and have this in my .vimrc
Bundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
When I :BundleInstall and restart I see nothing?