If I send a bad request to Virtuoso, the exaplanation is not showed. Instead, I just get the message `error: Bad Request`. It would be good to show the message returned by virtuoso.
I'd like to set an initial search/filter string for yasr programmatically.
My use case is that I want to drill down from a chart (like [that one](http://zbw.eu/beta/stw_deltas/v/changed_descriptors.e…
on http://yasr.yasgui.org/
Use middle and right click
- Adapt style to regular YASGUI layout
- Fix behaviour on window resize
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ yasgui ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] Copying 162 resources
Don't know how relevant this is, but just wanted to report:
I've a query which takes about 90 seconds. When I ran it on http://yasgui.laurensrietveld.nl/, the first time I got an 504 error. When I tri…
Same functionality as older yasgui version
Adding a bookmark should use the bookmark title as tab name (#232)
What I mean by 'reference', is that instead of passing 'query=' as argument, use a 'ref=' argument, pointing to a url. This URL will contain the configuration for this particular query.
This is relate…
http://yasqe.yasgui.org/doc/ - where has ist gone?
Thanks to git, I have a local copy now - cheers, Joachim