Error Failed to load doc generator with modelpaths=ultimateimmo/core/modules/ul…
I'm pretty sure this issue must have been raised, but I would like to add my vote for deeper bookmark functionalities: grouping bookmarks/folders, renaming, and either a bookmark tab on the manu bar o…
Since the last TST update I have to disable this addon because it crashes Firefox each time just after TST's sidebar is loaded.
CPU and Memory consumption are going crazy ( Firefox taking +1GB memory…
The upload of big files (>200mb) return a error:
Couldn't …
GNOME 47 has just been released in the Arch repo's, and Tilix now core dumps when starting:
Sep 19 12:47:13 48HVWD3 systemd-coredump[9745]: [🡕] Process 9709 (tilix) of user 1000 dumped core.
![Mash block diagram](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1248467/66305153-003fda80-e8ff-11e9-9c8c-29f4d94e849b.png)
See also https://github.com/ontola/mash/tree/architecture/docs
### Appl…
## `@todo`
- [x] Design - Bookmarked pop-over (toggles on onClick)
- `@input` 📦 [`popOvers_v0.0.1 (Deprecated)`](https://www.figma.com/file/PiQmPX3q1V2Ph7hARR2jOm/tiling-window-man…
Should we keep Firefox sync or remove it?
Buzz appears to use textareas for its input fields, but for some reason the
bookmarklet can't fix typography inside of them. Note that the bookmarklet
works fine with GTalk IM windows.
Save somewhere else, not in vscode core files like settings.json
thanks 😃