When Checkbox loads, it appears as two separate checkboxes that function together. When I click on one, the other appears and vice versa.
- [x] The issue is present in the latest release.
Follow up of https://twitter.com/balazsorban44/status/1410641689715347461.
cc @s-kris @balazsorban44
`next-auth` can actually already be used with Vite today thanks to https://github.com/s-kris/…
Hello, this project seems to be very good, do you know how I could integrate this library in a project with Next?
Make a simple matplotlib script work in example-nextjs
Should be able to get a simple example going https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/lines_with_ticks_demo.html#sphx-glr-…
I'd like to be able to set custom hostnames in Kubernetes for a service besides the default my-service, my-service.my-ns and my-service.my-ns.svc.cluster.local so I can use the …
# 🐛 Bug report
Chakra does not export types for foundations like typography, border, radii etc.
## 💥 Steps to reproduce
Use case :
Extend Chakra's default theme and override it
**Fiber version**
**Issue description**
Getting a 404 trying to browse to / mounting a React app using PathPrefix and Index
**Code snippet**
package main
import (
# 🐛 Bug report
NumberInput `keepWithinRange` and `clampValueOnBlur` do not work when you delete the value inside of the input.
## 💥 Steps to reproduce
1. Go to https://chakra-ui.com/d…
# 🐛 Bug report
useDisclosure with id passed will not open / close a specific modal
## 💥 Steps to reproduce
1. create modal component
2. try to open mondal from different component wi…
mah51 updated
3 years ago
Trying to run anything on IE11 results in unhappy life, we know that.
But, the main issue to have Chakra running on IE looks to be related to framer-motion not supporting IE11.
I was able to hav…