I discussed this in the BinaryBuilder Slack, but thought I should open an issue before attempting to retarget the repo. Currently it targets [github.com/DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse/](url). This is…
just out of pure curiosity, do you have any plans to vectorize GraphBLAS? (I saw at least `GB_DOT_SIMD` but couldn't locate any usages).
on that topic, avx512 will be closer to penalty-less come Ic…
numpy is most likely parallelizing operations (we need to look into how to control the number of threads here), so we should as well.
When using
`libgb.GxB_init(libgb.GrB_NONBLOCKING, cglobal(:jl_malloc), cglobal(:jl_calloc), cglobal(:jl_realloc), cglobal(:jl_free), true)`
instead of
- [x] I read [the conda-forge documentation](https://conda-forge.org/docs/user/introduction.html#how-can-i-install-packages-from-conda-forge) and could not find the solution for my problem there.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it goes.
Is there a way to obtain an exact execution plan for the matrix algebra multiplications? Especially how you combine expressions fo…
Can this be added to the pipeline?
Right now, these two statements mean the same thing:
- `A(mask=M.S)[I, J]
Shouldn't it be `GrB_Matrix` not `GrB_Vector`?
Not sure this is something that is easy to do anything about, but the size trend of the shared library seems to be blowing up:
- v3.3.3 => 71MB uncompressed, 31MB compressed
- v4.0.0draft4 => 109MB …