As executed with both ppa:conjure/next and ppa:conjure/daily and ppa:juju/devel since I could not even get nearly this far when attempting with stable. Ubuntu 16.04
Jul 12 09:…
``` bash
$ unik daemon
INFO[0000] daemon started config={Providers:{Aws:[] Vsphere:[] Virtualbox:[{Name:my-vbox AdapterName:vboxnet0 VirtualboxAdapterType:host_only}]} V…
On the Install MAAS by Packages page there is a link (http://maas.io/docs/orientation#a-typical-maas-setup) to see hardware configuration info and it goes to 404: page not found.
## My `dist` directory:
├── electron.js
├── icon.icns
├── lxd-logo.png
├── package.json
└── www
├── assets
│ ├── js
│ │ └── term.js
│ └── templates
│ ├── a…
Need to support deploying to MAAS 2.0
Is it possible to get a console to a LCD container?
![screenshot from 2016-05-07 15-28-46](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/12604519/15094953/9a61ff04-1468-11e6-89da-6df1cd117395.png)
[ OK ] All unnecessary packages removed
grep: root: No such file or directory
grep: daemon: No such file or directory
grep: bin: No such file or directory
grep: sys: No such file or directory
grep: …
I am trying to run some lxc containers within an lxd container. The use case here is for integration tests of mojo (https://mojo.canonical.com/). The goal is the have an lxd image people can download …
I am trying to run some lxc containers within an lxd container. The use case here is for integration tests of mojo (https://mojo.canonical.com/). The goal is the have an lxd image people can download …