Got some trouble selecting colors on the RGB template, the colors Red, Green, Blue and the effects are working fine on the smd5050 strip.
But when i select custom colors in HomeAssistant (The light…
Hi All, My MAgicHome device came with no rx/tx pads :( just wondering if anyone knows if this can be flashed OTA?
Kinda stuck otherwise!
Thanks for the epic code!
Originally reported by: **Vishal Chaudhary (Bitbucket: [vishix](https://bitbucket.org/vishix), GitHub: [vishix](https://github.com/vishix))**
@xoseperez I up…
Even we can use the bellow JSON command to set a RGB switch color
or for hue and bright
Originally reported by: **Kruno M (Bitbucket: [Kruu51](https://bitbucket.org/Kruu51), GitHub: Unknown)**
I flashed by mistake my RFbridge with magichome 2.0 …
I flashed a Magic Home led strip controller, following instructions. Everything went well, I setup the device via web, had to set it as 37 Arilux because it's one of the new series, but since …
After flashing Sonoff to the LED Controller, the blue LED lights up permanently. No blinking or something, just lighting up. There is also no Wifi Network created. Does someone has an answer for me?
I am a happy Tasmota-sonoff user. Recently I redicovered the _Arilux AL-C01_ module to manage a led-strip. With the default software and a _magic-home_ android-app it was working fine but I want it to…
Originally reported by: **Jannis Lehmann (Bitbucket: [Cludch](https://bitbucket.org/Cludch), GitHub: [Cludch](https://github.com/Cludch))**
today I f…
Originally reported by: **Robert May (Bitbucket: [TigerRob](https://bitbucket.org/TigerRob), GitHub: Unknown)**
I have a number of el cheapo led strips that …