private void update() {
if (recyclerView.getAdapter() instanceof RecyclerArrayAdapter) {
if (((RecyclerArrayAdapter) recyclerView.getAdapter()).g…
i test the example on ios and android ,
ios is ok,
but in android ,it failed, download bundle is ok but not applay new update when reboot
I noticed the the method `setProgressColor()` is only changing the value of mColor and not applying the color to the _paint_ object in `ProgressView`.
The color of the circle will always be se…
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how can i embed the circle inside a view?
Sorry for my poor English
In my app I use GestureDetector on Fresco to get onSingleTapConfirmed. But its not called. In logs I only get `onTouch`. This is code from my Fragment that is populating my ViewPager.
DraweeView …
When using the static ProgressView and TradingInquiryDateUtil.
Hi, I was using this library and robolectric (3.0-rc3) for unit test. I found that `circularProgressView.startAnimation()` will prevent Robolectric from proceeding.
``` Java
public class MainActivity…
When prompting for a password, the name of the file needing the password
isn't shown anywhere. If you'd queued up a bunch of files to decompress
and one somewhere in the middle needs a password, …
set progress ring view to indeterminate mode and let app enter background and back to foreground. the indeterminate animation stopped.
supwy updated
8 years ago