What is the viability of making this project work with tile sets that are not necessarily the Earth? Say I wanted to take another tile set, maybe from the moon? I might not have terrain data either, b…
In GitLab by @git.ligo:anna.puecher on Jun 11, 2024, 16:12
In `class TriangularInterferometer(InterferometerList):` latitude and longitude are computed as
`latitude += (
[//]: # (Enclose links to things related to the bug using http://wowhead.com or any other TBC database.)
[//]: # (You can use screenshot ingame to visual the issue.)
[//]: # (Write your tickets acco…
Create a Treasure Hunt popup that shows treasures info when you go near certain trees, with a clue to find the next tree treasure.
Location Services must be turned on.
Related issues:
I am using OpenFAST with NREL5MW to analyze MPC control which also involves Kalman filters. Generally, I like to only use signals which would be available in a real turbine. For a wind speed measurem…
Example output from a perfect game:
#travle #662 +0 (Perfect)
Which products are relevant to this feature request?
Google Earth 5.1, GE plugin
What should this feature enhancement do?
Let both GE and GE plugin to work
Are there any currently known workarou…
Hey @tpope,
first of all, thank you for this great plugin!
this could be a bug (?): printing blob which includes golang:[]bytes breaks the table:
> | 55 | 38 | af1a4ce0-38e2-475f-80…
Naam : Xander GelauffEmail : _Bekend bij de redactie_ID : [n.v.t.](https://netkaart.hoogspanningsnet.com/balloon3.php?ID=n.v.t.)Feedback tekst :====================De google hybrid kaart layout wordt …
ideally of the earth from space
* also make sure to update image for feedstock (underline)