There are at least four instances with explicit references:
$ grep -IRi 'numerical recipe'
SOLVER/unrolled_loops.f90: ! outer product (dyadic) from numerical recipes
SOLVER/unrolled_loops.f90: …
Using Intel MPI and CUDA gives the following compilation errors:
nvcc -c ../cuda/check_fields_cuda.cu -o ../../obj/spec/check_fields_cuda.cuda.o -I../../ -I/opt/intel/impi/…
mineral.py includes:
def grueneisen_parameter(self):
if self.temperature < 1.e-12:
return 0.
Another "sometimes" error also puzzles me. This error can happen after a long running time when building Stokes preconditioner in one time step. **Here is the error information in the record file**:
The current testing workflow nicely attests that the library is broken, if things went wrong.
This is not a satisfactory method and we should test pull requests before the merge.
I will upload a pyt…
The 2D code was carefully optimized for speed and for MPI scaling back in 2007 and 2008 (see http://komatitsch.free.fr/preprints/Vecpar_2008_Roland.pdf ) but it has changed so much in between that it …
In ACIS, the third-party solid modeler used by Trelis, the smallest representable quantity is resabs
and the largest one is resabs/resnor. The default values are resabs=1e-6 and resnor=1e-10.
We ha…
Do you mind if for each plugin that is “merged” after community review there
is an automatically generated and citable doi when compiling the manual? For
example, within the manual next to the title o…
In the cookbook of a 2d-convection box in the manual, it mentions that the Raleigh number is calculated by setting several parameters to be one including the heat capacity C_p= 1. However, in the prm…
When I run model with large deformation, ASPECT aborts when grid distortion occurs.
Here is a simple test case similar to "dam breaking" of viscous materials with free-surface on the top and right w…