QRL on Mac OS X. QRL got hung at some point. killing the process using ctrl+c does not result in anything meaningful.
2018-01-31 10:36:05,025|0.59.1|synced| INFO : >>> Received Block #3751 f965b5ff…
The node natively supports `XMSS` with `SHAKE-128`, `SHAKE-256` and `SHA2-256` cryptographic hash functions at present. The chosen hash function is encoded into the first two bytes of the standard QRL…
Please provide as much as possible information to reproduce the issue.
lastest dev branch compiled with gcc7
running config with cnv7 mines ok
running the same config withh only changed to cnv8…
Maybe something like http://tbuktu.github.io/ntru/?
As reported by wowo in Discord, his Result was rejected by the pool when he used CPU mining with xmr-stak v2.3.0
Although older versions are working fine for him.
OS: Windows 10
These issues do not affect the QRL Wallet repo, however we should update regardless.
Issues identified as vulnerabilities below, with justification as to why we are not vulnerable.
Attached log file is from attempting to install qrl using "pip3 install -U qrl"
Seems to incorrectly detect setuptools being out of date, causing a cascading set of failures; preventing QRL (specifically pyqrllib and pyqryptonight) from being installed.
Hacking away the checks…
Logs of the crash:
> 2018-04-11 05:53:25,499|0.62.4|unsynced| INFO : grpc public service - started !
> 2018-04-11 05:53:25,502|0.62.4|unsynced| INFO : grpc admin service - started !
> 2018-04-11 …
# pip3 install -U qrl
Collecting qrl
Downloading qrl-0.61.2.tar.gz (300kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 307kB 3.3MB/s
Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools>=28.0.0 in /usr/lo…