I was having something like this in my code:
args match {
case a :: b :: Nil => ..
And the plugin replaced the `Nil` by `List.empty`:
args match {
case …
Right now, after a release has been published by the existing workflow, the pom.xml has to be updated manually to the next development version. This should be fully automated like done here:
`release-drafter` を入れてから下記エラーが出てビルドがコケるようになった。
Run actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: refs/tags/v1.4.[2](https://github.com/striderkein/Curriculum-Vitae/actions/runs/606343…
- #52
- #53
- #54
- #55
시행착오를 거쳐 default 에 등록합니다.
It'll be great if we have the release notes drafter here. One requirement would be that it also prompts the Grunt making the release to decide if it's a major or a minor release according to our semve…
The release process should be automated, e.g. using jreleaser and also include a slsa provenance for the build artifact to be able to verify binaries prior to installation.
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Edited/Blocked
These updates…
Ensure there's no regression in Mu repo usage and update the GitHub action in Mu DevOps.
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Rate-Limited
These updates a…
1. 语法设计一致
2. 具备现有发现的功能(包括导入等)
3. 是否缺失功能
***1 和 3 的大前提都是完整了解 ulang 的功能***