### Describe the feature
I tried to use your Combobox code on the site to create it as a generic component, if you think it's interesting we could add it
import { defineProps, defineEmi…
Hi, I have a question is this normal that during selecting the option in the dom it keeps adding the option?
### Environment
Developement/Production OS: Windows 10 19043.1110
Node version: 16.0.0
Package manager: pnpm@8.6.0
Radix Vue version: 1.0.0
Shadcn Vue version: 1.0.0
Vue version: 3.0.0
### Reproduction link
[![Edit on CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/eager-shirley-k0zlcq?file=%2FREADME.md)
### Steps to repro…
### Environment
Developement/Production OS: Windows 10 19043.1110
Node version: 16.0.0
Package manager: pnpm@8.6.0
Radix Vue version: 1.0.0
Shadcn Vue version: 1.0.0
Vue version: 3.0.0
### Environment
Development/Production OS: WSL on Windows 11 Pro Version `10.0.22621 Build 22621`
Node version: `20.5.1`
Package manager: `pnpm@8.7.0`
Shadcn Vue version: `@latest`
Vue ve…
paste your GPTs links below👇
`text-foregorund` should be `text-foreground`
### Environment
Developement/Production OS: Windows 10 19043.1110
Node version: 20.3.0
Package manager: yarn@1.22.19
Radix Vue version: 0.2.3
Shadcn Vue version: npx shadcn-vue@latest
### Describe the feature
Migrating the toast component from the shadcn/ui library would be super nice.
### Additional information
- [ ] I intend to submit a PR for this feature.
- [ ] I have alread…