In GitLab by @skia on Feb 6, 2017, 20:18
_Merges forum -> master_
Inspired by a discussion with @indutny, but this has been brewing for a long time now:
It's clear that Chromium has effectively deprecated GYP and stopped active development on it, with effort moving…
rvagg updated
7 years ago
On some devices (probably android version < 5.0 ) Adjust creates a lot of treads (thousands per minute!)
It strongly flood CPU and GC!
_Reprodused on _Sony C1905 (android 4.3)_, _Fly IQ4410 quard (…
![screenshot from 2016-02-28 11-06-01](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5139265/13378858/e89181e2-de0b-11e5-98db-b6252c5b246e.png)
This wasn't happening before (recent pull from master).
I encountered weird, platform dependent problem, with most of default shaders. Everything works nice and dandy in Chromium on my Linux PC, but _Chrome 49.0.2594.3 canary (64-bit)_ on Windows 7…
kozec updated
8 years ago
By tiny slices, I mean instant events or X events with duration of 0.
Currently, there are cases where tiny slices are not correctly built into the hierarchy.
As an example, in this trace (https://g…
yuhao updated
9 years ago
Despite all the recent improvements on boolean operations in the https://github.com/paperjs/paper.js/tree/boolean-fix branch, built on top of @iconexperience's code that checks for curve overlaps, I s…
lehni updated
9 years ago
**Edit: For all people landing here because you have issues after updating from nodejs to io.js or getting compile errors while building native modules: Your issue is about v8 being updated, not gyp i…
When running `cargo build`, `cargo test`, and `cargo doc` on the same packages, each command build its own copy of the dependencies. According to the `--verbose` output, the `rustc` commands being run…
See @paulirish's tweet [here](https://twitter.com/paul_irish/status/285038999318441985), use progressive JPEGs for better performance. JPEGtran natively supports this via the `-progressive` option.