There are several services at UofT that provide room booking and computer lab availability. We should scrape these.
qasim updated
8 years ago
See [here](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/79812?hl=en) and [this](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters).
One relevant file is [`/static/src/components/Page.js`](https…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Install Lion
2. Try to add a line in Gas Mask
3. Save the hosts file
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected output is that it wor…
Started [work](https://github.com/kshvmdn/cobalt/tree/athletics-api/src/api/athletics) on the API for athletics.
**Note:** I'll be editing this as I come back to it... But this is more to get a
discussion going. Also, sorry if some of the stuff doesn't make sense. It still
is coming out of my brain...
Some init…
For each meeting, on the etherpad, put their main objectives and timeline at the top of the pad
For @acabunoc:
- [x] [Madeleine - PhageParser](https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/wow-phageparser)
Relevant file: [FAQ.md](https://github.com/ACalza/UofTBiohacks/blob/master/static/src/markdown/faq.md)
New question on our FB page:
> 1. will the participants be given a scope of topics or a specifi…
People are talking a lot these days about research being "open" and "reproducible". It all sounds great, but HOW do we do it? How can we apply these great ideals to our actual work?
This week we'll d…
map.utoronto.ca has food information. We can scrape that information and form something like the following:
``` js
id: String,
building_id: String,
name: String,
description: String,
qasim updated
8 years ago
UTM has a mobile website for their UTM UTSG shuttle. This would fall under transit / transportation. This scraper should scrape …
qasim updated
8 years ago