I have tried to run the test command as shown in the home page:
`python test.py --name Cityscapes_model --dataroot ./datasets/cityscapes/ --label_nc 35 --loadSize 1024 --resize_or_crop scale_width --…
signateのデータセットに対する, FasterSegの精度と速さを測定する.
I've tested a few of your implementation and compared the results with original papers. but the results were not even close to the original ones. It will be good to have a section which we can see…
How long does it take to learn?
I would also like to know the number of gpu's and batch size.
In the command: sh ./script/train_semantic_Cityscapes.sh to train the semantic result
File "/root/project_yuxuan/DatasetDM/model/segment/transformer_decoder.py", line 813, in _prepare_features
您好作者,请问使用1080Ti GPU在Cityscapes语义分割上训练了多长时间?
In train.py 31st " paths = Data.load_dataframe(directories.train) “。I get an address for the training data, but there is no image at this address, so much so that an error is reported later. I woul…
In an attempt to reproduce the examples in https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/deeplab/g3doc/cityscapes.md to train a segmentation model using cityscapes training set (train_fine…
First of all, I want to thank you for your implementation, it works like a charm. I want to ask you if you by any chance have an Xception 65 or 71 Pytorch implementation or checkpoint on CitySca…
PIDbNET: Grad strides do not match bucket view strides. This may indicate grad was not created according to the gradient layout contract, or that the param's strides changed since DDP was constructed…