If a marathon leader loses leadership but doesn't shutdown (e.g. because of a temporary connection interruption with zookeeper), it is left with stale state. If it later becomes leader, it will begin…
I get this error when I try to start NFS on this node:
my hue version is branch-3.10 ,I got this exception after I excuted a query:
[03/Aug/2016 21:33:44 -0700] access INFO hue - "POST /notebook/api/execute HTTP/1.1"
[03/Aug/2016 …
I've tried both the two node and multi-node examples from the blog post, both times I got a time out error (on OSX)
$ clusterdock_run ./bin/start_cluster cdh
latest: Pulling from cloude…
Connect to Your Instance using Java SSH client directly from browser is not supported in Chrome.
Used Puttygen and Putty to SSH
Using username "ec2-user".
Authenticating with public key "imported…
一般而言,选择Namenode做ntp server,其他机器同步该机器时间即可。ntp server可再同步其他时间更精确的ntp server。
## ntp server
# 指定用来保存系统时钟频率偏差的文件,ntpd程序使用它来自动地补偿时钟的自然漂移, 从而使时钟即使在切断了外来时源…
Continuation of #6 I guess :)
On OSX, once Cloudera Manager is accessed, all of the Web UI links are broken. For example, going to Hue within CM:
The configuration thinks the URL should be `http:/…
Is there a way to create CM users at bootstrap (using Director) outside of the admin user?
Remember to follow the [pre bug report](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/doc/reporting_bugs/pre_bug_report.md) guide beforehand. Failure to do so might get your issue closed.
ghost updated
7 years ago