# Overview
Choosing sets of 3 color scheme as one of many color scheme options for Experiment 9 components the user can select.
## Color Scheme Set 1 (Ethereal Earth)
@meomancer make the interactive map on the ARW platform as per the Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/BlAYm1Z8wdEYA5faH8XT8L/Africa-Rangeland-Watch_Wireframing-Workflow?node-id=1-3&node-type=canvas&…
> During the quest chain Rumbles of the Earth, the item Tremortmatic MK II (60512) isn't removed from your inventory when completing the quest it's used for
.go xyz 951.978000 974.865000 105.118000 1…
## Description (Required)
When a player visited earths orbit it crashed the server. Upon deleting the world and trying to regenerate it to try to solve the issue the server crashes on start up.
For new term requests, please provide the following information:
## Preferred term label
(e.g., Asplenia)
## Synonyms
(e.g., Absent spleen)
## Textual definition
the definition shoul…
### Contact Details
### Dataset description
This data provided a unique comprenehsive database of the western U.S. water use history record. This dataset compiles water rights …
![GKH-qzlWYAAYAwc jpg_large](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c010cc0a-d34f-49ce-8ab7-d06d9a68f783)
The backup ADI lacks an earth pointer (see image).
The current texturing is set up…
Is there any way to adjust the 90-day cycle?
And reduce the frequency of monitoring, for example once every 10 minutes
I tried using cron but it didn't work
Provide an import functionality for the Land Cover Legend Registry (LCLR) of FAO that is based on land cover standard ISO 19144-2, that would provide a link between ISO 19144-series and UNCCD reportin…