I was wondering if anyone tried to use this module in combination with `LayoutAnimation`? When switching between views in my side menu it's sometimes a bit laggy due to the parallel rendering of the n…
Hey Joel, awesome work here!
I am doing this sharing sheet modal
I was mounting this component using
`.... { this.state.shouldShareIt && ``
In linear animation mise to set property: LayoutAnimation.Properties.opacity, see
Here is code in Animation.js:
So it's overridable and we can easily ignore `animationKind` and provide own LayoutAnimations. Just an idea, as I am not that happy with the current one and I am investigating changing the LayoutAnima…
I want bottom sheet to be like in Dropbox
Setting `windowAnimationStyle` to `@null` didn't seem to have any effect. I would like to disable the items in the bottom sheet "floating in" at different speeds without disabling the slide in animati…
When I close the drawer and replace the Navigator route at the same time, I get this error:
`Unsupported layout animation createConfig property (null)`
Here are the contents of my method:
hi, 不了解你说的是不是这个: LayoutAnimation。
具体的例子,可以查看%android_sdk%\samples\android-15\ApiDemos\src\com\example\android\apis\animation里的例子, 这…
04-28 12:13:39.496 1697-1697/com.hb.editoral E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.hb.editoral, PID: 1697
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #39: Error i…
## Synopsis
Many modules - consistently dependencies of `react-native` - are going unresolved despite React being installed locally.
## Environment
OS: Mac OS X 10.11
Node: iojs-v2.4.0
NPM: 3.3.4