**Description of the problem**
Axis labels lost when use '-RgXmin/Xmax/Ymin/Ymax' to indicate a limited geographic domain.
This is a sort of meta-issue where I will try to summarize my thoughts about this package. I will add links to relevant trackers at the bottom as they appear.
As the first priority, I think this pa…
Should the "Reference Documentation" sub-section be moved up the sidebar in the PyGMT documentation? GMT has "Getting Started" followed by "Reference Documentation", and I think our sidebar should mat…
**Description of the problem**
There is a memory corruption issue with sphdistance -D.
**Full script that generated the error**
gmt sphdistance @gshhs_c.txt -Rg -I1 -Gtt.nc …
julia> plot([315,30], marker=:circ, mc=:green, ms=0.2, region=:global, proj=(name=:Stereographic, center=(0,0)), frame=(annot=:auto, grid=:auto), show=true, coast=true, Vd=1)
["psxy -…
**Numpy1.20.2 and Python3.9 failed in Jupyterlab**
I installed PyGMT on Windows10 following the instructions on https://www.pygmt.org/latest/install.html, and it worked running the code in the ter…
**Description of the problem**
When trying to call the module gmtconvert with the -S flag in a jupyter notebook, the kernel dies with no error message. I'm doing this on a file created with ogr2ogr…
**Description of the desired feature**
Continuing on from #1269, there are some parameters in upstream GMT at https://docs.generic-mapping-tools.org/6.2/grdgradient.html which are still missing in …
Hi everyone!
I have a problem when pygmt installlation. When I try to run in python
`import pygmt`
I have this
`gmt: error while loading shared libraries: libnetcdf.so.7: cannot open shared obje…
Hi @kmaterna,
Thank you for the great code.
I am having the following error when running my own dataset (which has the exact same formats as used in the example you provided).
> Making verti…