Hi there,
After our game hanged several times when an agent couldn't find a position on
on the navmesh, I started digging into your code and found an uninitialized
array of floats in DetourCrow…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Just noticed this in code, didn't try to create a repro case.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
In DetourCrowd.cpp, there are some in…
When generating a navigation mesh for our game, I got an
AccessViolationException because Recast tried to access an index outside the
range of a data array.
The crash occured in the getHei…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Load this .obj file into RecastDemo 1.4 (
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3236655/navmesh.zip )
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Many of my…
There are a few cases where pointer differences are used to generate indices.
However, without a cast, these generate warnings about cramming a 64bit integer
into a 32bit return type
_From [Cory.Pou...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/105220164791991617712/) on December 17, 2013 11:49:06_
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. create a very wide or tall map.
2. start the l…
1) Load Ground.mdl https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_XuF2wRVpw4bmsxNGZSc0VlNXM
2) In sample CrowdNavigation.cpp replace
1vanK updated
9 years ago
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. while some of the config is set to certain val for example ,like max
edge len or max sample error. however ,it is not easy do deside what val
to use...
During rcRasterizeTriangles(), it's possible to have a triangle that ends up
with a Span of zero height.
This occurs if a triangle is laying *exactly* on the bottom of the bounding box
We could check out this one:
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `erwin.coumans` on 19 Mar 2010 at 1:47