1. Illumination variation reduction - foi usado o homomorphic filter, falta otimizar -> Intra-image regularization
2. After the intra-image background regularization, an inter-subject normalization …
Hello there,
The training was very slow.
I started to look into the code (You can find the notebook for the optimization on my repo).
At my big surprise, it takes 0.5 s to forward with a square…
h1, h2, h3, p {
text-align: center;
/* تحديد ألوان العناوين والنصوص */
h1 {
self.refpoint_embed = nn.Embedding(num_queries * group_num, 6)
May I ask what these 6 dimensions mean?
I am currently running Autogluon TabularPredictor on a dataset previously split into train and test sets.
I re-scaled my features using fit_transform() using an algorithm to correct batch effect…
Hi @michalfaber
I am not sure here that I und…
I have tried your code. It works well.
I am think about if I could add more points to train the model. I am trying to add one point on nose (the center of two eyes). (Now there are 6 points) I m…
Regardless of the grid of directions we design for the MC test set, i.e. for the calculation of IRFs, the effect of the analysis (cut efficiencies, energy and angular resolutions) has to vary smoothly…
I found in the code , that the backbone in wrapped by DistributedDataParallel , so the model will sync different gradient in different gpus , but conversely the module_partial_fc isn't wrapped b…
Thanks for your great work!
Seems like in your training tfrecord files, you have around 468k instances while ModelNet40 only has 9843 instances. May I know how you generated these training, va…