## Directory
## Description
I Will be explaining what is Async and Await in JavaScript (ES6).
The async keyword turns a method into an async method, which allows y…
Quando tento usar async/await diretamente, lança o erro:
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
TypeError: (0, _cepPromise.cep) is not a function. (In '(0, _cepPromise.cep)(86055645…
/// es5生成器generator
/// yield会保存执行位置,外部调用next回到yield处往下执行
function* generator() {
const next1 = yield 1
const next2 = yield 2
const ne…
The original intention for an `async()` wrapper in `quiver-promise` is so that we can get rid of transpiler dependency once ES6 is implemented completely on Node/io.js. But the wrapper syntax is unfam…
Maaaaaybe worth having a page on usage with async functions. While these are still just a proposal, they are being actively worked on for both Chakra Core and V8.
Starting point:
``` js
var Nightmar…
https://www.npmjs.com/package/asyncawait may let us use async/await without having to transpile. This could dramatically reduce the amount of code we have per cloud function
This is probably problem with using older python version, but one-lined code converter can't convert when you pass `async def somefunc()` / `await somefunc()`
XCanG updated
6 years ago
test $ ls
index.js node_modules package.json package-lock.json
test $ cat package.json
"name": "test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "module",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": …
Can we support async/await instead of callbacks?
`const response = await llama.createCompletion(params);`
Using in the SmartContract method a proof generated by the ZkProgram that verifies the Signature throws the error:
yarn test signature.issue.sideloading.test
Error when proving Contract.setVal…