People complain that "none" parser by default is not very friendly, HTML should be picked by default for new installations (existing siena sites should keep current value, sites updated from Genoa sho…
If user puts [URL] www.google.com [/URL] the returned output does not put "http://" in front of the link, which leads to an incorrect link. eg, "http://localhost/MB/forum/view/www.yahoo.com"
if user puts "something" in, this is removed completely and large chunks of text are removed. very odd. when htmlon is used, it is fine, therefore it lies somewhere in the PHP functions htmlspecialcar…
Posts merging and Quote: inserts HTML if parser = none.
Need new BBCodes Editor and Parser
As you have asked in #20, I have run curl to compare it with hubugs and also run cProfile on both commands. I have used an empty cache each time. It's about 1.5 seconds slower than curl in each case, …
If used html cache, parser convert tag '[more]' to '' and this not work in plugin news.
To work correctly separator with html cahe mode:
this code
function sed_bbcode($text) {
$bbcodes = array(
It is a major thing for some communities to allow different parsers to different areas of the site (e.g. HTML for pages and BBcode on forums).
There are 2 ways to achieve it:
1) Parser choice per mod…
The task is to switch to HTML as primary parser, leave multiparser support and bbcode editor as secondary features, implant HTML Purifier, add WYSIWYG-capable editor plugin.
## PFS Bug #1
If you enable bbcode, PFS gets broken.
if bbcode is off, the code is:
function addfile(gfile, c2, gdesc) {
if (opener.CKEDITOR.instances.rpagetext != undefined) {