I can get good results when I use the images in celaba-hq.But when I tested with my own pictures, I got a bad result, and I've used the image editing tool to cut the characters,so can you guide me how…
Hi, great work, Thanks for providing the code online. Would it be possible to also provide the parameters for the conditional ImageNet generator?
Dear developers,
Thanks for your contribution for building this package. But I have met some problems, could you please help me?
I want to build a pipeline which can read images from a directory, …
I noticed that the loss function is set to wp_gan by default. however, in the official implementation, the loss is set to r1 by default. Is that correct? If so why did you choose that?
I got this error while doing the testing. Please help me out here.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 79, in
File "test.py", line 78, in
assign_ops …
Haoru updated
5 years ago
Hi nperraud,
Thanks for your code, I'm running the make_HQ_images.py without any problem, but the result is not a single subject 1024by1024 image but a 3by3 replication of the subject(and the image i…
@shepnerd ,hello. Thanks for your great work and also looking forward to paper ' Semantic Regeneration Network' .
Since gmcnn has a huge amount of parameters, i wonder how much time you spend on trai…
cmyyy updated
5 years ago
thank you for this code !
I have an error in the make_celeba_hQ.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cvmfs/soft.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2017/Core/python/3.5.4/lib/pyt…
In your datasets, how many epochs did you need to train to get these reasonable results ?
I'm curious about the performance of deepfill2 on celeba-HQ, when the mask is regular, so could you share the pretrained model?Or would you mind sending me the inpaintng results when…
cmyyy updated
5 years ago