I tried using the new version of d3plus, but had to go back to older version because my geomap no longer sizes correctly on load.
Here is load of geomap with previous version...
why the default text format of visualization is
text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1).toLowerCase()
'CPU' changed to 'Cpu'.
I don't think it is necessary to do it.
I've created a sample that shows the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/qbxmrf2m/2/
I think the problem is in the resize function, there're several calculations to determine if the text area and shape area…
It would be great if the d3plus line charts could include methods for line interpolation - see https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/SVG-Shapes for the line interpolation modes that are available in d3.…
Please update meteor package to use latest d3plus 1.6.9, and if version is not and issues official version of the d3 package d3js:d3 https://atmospherejs.com/d3js/d3 which currently at version 3.4.13 …
line 30307 of d3plus.js :
yValues = vars.x.ticks.visible;
should be
yValues = vars.y.ticks.visible;
For some reason when open stack chart with 4103 product it breaks
Dear all,
can somebody tell me why my text is dropped by textwrap()-method?