Firstly let me thank you for coming up with this great utility.
Its fast and easy.
We use Joda LocalDate & LocalDateTime a lot could you please add support for the library in your project.
ghost updated
8 years ago
**[Sam Brannen](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=sbrannen)** opened **[SPR-13807](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-13807?redirect=false)** and commented
#### Status Quo
Since JDK…
The TZDB file also contains leap-second information as this information is also supplied by the TZDB maintainers. We should add a single method on the time-zone provider to make this information avail…
JSR 310 randomizers should be configurable with a seed to generate the same sequences across JVM restarts. a WIP is in branch `test-three-ten-randomizers-with-seed`
Challenge degerlendirme surecinde codunu maven ile calismasini bekliyoruz. Bunun icin
mvn clean test package
komutu kullaniyoruz fakat bu komut asagidaki hatayi veriyor. Bunu duzeltip …
Jackson has jackson-datatype-jsr310 and jackson-datatype-joda artifacts to provide support of truely usable date types.
I am willing to do the same kind of modules for gson with type adapters. I think…
`Jdk8Module` and `JodaModule` are prime candidates for usage in certain application APIs, but the current builder never exposes the created `ObjectMapper` for further configuration.
As a particular e…
The default semantics of ranges between dates is to span over individual days, just like in SQL, when adding an integer interval:
``` sql
DATE '2016-01-01' + 1
We get the next day, i.e. the inte…
Currently DSL.extract function is quite limited. It would be very beneficial to support Interval and JSR-310 typed fields. Also please consider adding more DatePart options, such as EPOCH.
When I try to complile in Java 1.7 the error is:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/github/lgooddatepicker/datepicker/DatePicker : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
I can't change to Java…