### What happened?
A long-running app using kubernetes client-python and authenticating with client certificates started to see authentication errors despite having a valid certificate on disk. The i…
### Expected Behavior
Develop on Kubernetes without warning when saving the configuration,Invalid Data: Skaffold configuration file doesn't exist or is invalid.
### Actual Behavior
**What happened**:
Install yurt-manager err:
deleg.go:144] setup "msg"="unable to setup controllers" "error"="init yurtcoordinator failed: fail to write CA assets into secret when initializing yurt…
- VSCode Version:
Version: 1.35.0-insider
Commit: 4ca38ce5584d7cd67b435b3c32ef1240c6a29628
Date: 2019-05-21T05:15:14.763Z
Electron: 3.1.8
Chrome: 66.0.3359.181
Node.js: 10.2.0
V8: 6.6.3…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
### What happened?
In Kubernetes version 1.24 and onwards (Testing on K8s 1.23 does not show the error), I am seeing an issue whereby the file `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset.cpus` (used by my application to …
### What happened?
it is well know current Kubernetes workload only supports resources (cpu, memory, ephemeral storage) in container level instead of pod level. In that case, then container can onl…
### Enhancement Description
- One-line enhancement description (can be used as a release note): Publishing Kubernetes packages on community infrastructure
- Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal: [keps/…
{"level":"info","ts":1647336674.4652436,"caller":"kubernetes/event_handler.go:106","msg":"start fuzzing of todo-api-64c68bdf9b-ph5ff"}
**What happened**:
We noticed several times when pods had panic with "interface conversion: interface {} is cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown, not *v1.Service". Checked the original source co…