On the 8/30 call the topic of correlating events came up. This issue is meant to gather people's requirements and use cases for correlating events. Please add items as comments.
Some aspects of thi…
More of an observation.. Looking at the insights for this repository and traffic, most unique visitors are going to the home page. I believe that page needs to be significantly improved in order to at…
I have a use case where I would have to identify the number on license plates. Strangely I get varying results depending on where i make the API call.
If i go to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-…
OpenCL support can be added for license plate detection, binarization, and (in the next version of Tesseract) OCR. This would significantly improve the recognition speed..
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
29 print("Cross Validation Result for ", str(num_of_fold), " -fold")
30 print(accuracy_result * …
when i have the trained model , but i want to use the python code to do detection.
can someone tell me how to do inference on one image using trained model?
it so slow!
Hi there, im running the sample and I changed the:
` String result = OpenALPR.Factory.create(MainActivity.this, ANDROID_DATA_DIR).recognizeWithCountryRegionNConfig("us", "", dest…