We are running a zonally re-entrant setup on a spherical grid forced by restoring buoyancy at the surface. It seems that the model is not conserving zonal angular momemtum. We have `NOSLIP = True` in …
Corresponde al registro 725 de RLA-ES en Forja.rediris.es
Creado por @Almorca con fecha y hora 2012-11-07 22:27
En un comentario puesto en https://forja.rediris.es/forum/forum.php?thread_id=6527&…
Consider the following workflow, which plots the Southern Hemisphere Rossby Wave Source (RWS) climatology:
- Get CMIP5 zonal (u) and meridional (v) wind data (i.e. the `constraint builder`, `CMIP5` an…
Imagine this not-so-hypothetical scenario: It's exciting - I'm a researcher and have found some ocean model output to help understand changes to the ice sheet I've seen. The problem is I'm used to wor…
Web page freezes on execution of script for converting OSGR coordinates to lat/long. Worked on one occasion, now freezes. Also appeared to create duplicate projects on one attempt. Dataset possibly to…
When I prepopulate the input with a time value (e.g. 05-20-2013 02:07 PM) with;
format: 'mm-dd-yyyy HH:ii P',
The meridional field (AM/PM) is not recognized, defaulting always to AM. Am I do…