There are a number of important molecular and scientific models that I would love to see implementations for in DeepChem. Implementations of any of these models would be a great contribution to DeepCh…
This problem is very obvious and has been clearly pointed out by other questioners as well.
You can easily see the big difference before and af…
I am trying to use your library to turn UNet into a Bayesian Unet. I paste the code below: in the implementation UNet works as a pixel-to-pixel translator for 3D data. The code follows your reg…
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
# Make more operations inplace (GELU, BatchNorm, LayerNorm)
## **Summary**
Hi PyTorch team,
We would like to enable users to make the following operat…
Good day,
Thank you for the paper. I noticed that there are some difference in implementation described in the paper as well as the source code,
1. For example, the spectral sequential cell def…
wonderful work!!!Please when update the code!
Hi, I have read your paper which was published on ICML 2020, now I try to do some research on the offline image data. I have noticed that when training the online agent, such as DQN, replay buffer cap…
LQNew updated
3 years ago
# Trending repositories for C#
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__A game made by the Celeste developers in a week(ish, closer to 2)__
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# 🚀 Feature Request
Acquisition function implementation for the task of top-k estimation with diversity as per the following paper:
## Motivation