The implementation of Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync is just a wrapper around the blocking implementation and is queued on the ThreadPool.
Radarr appears to have a memory leak. I have started getting warnings in the past few weeks about used SWAP space, and I had narrowed it down to being one of my Docker containers. …
First of all, excellent library/wrappers. Thank you for this!
I have been stuck trying to figure out why I cannot get `PowrProf.PowerSettingRegisterNotification` to work. I am trying to read/set a …
Hello, I noticed that [`UnhookWinEvent`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-unhookwinevent) from **User32** is missing.
Can you add please it?
# Before commenting on this issue please read the following comment and documentation links
And refer to the following o…
## Background and Motivation
`Thread.Abort` is gone [sic].
People need a way to stop threads as all threads must technically stop at some point, ie. before system shutdown or face outright termi…
halo,have a good nice day.
i want to call dotnet function from c , **not c++** ,but i can't find any solution.
I check dotnet [Interoperability](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/pr…
While attempting to utilize the style in the HDF5-CSharp.Example section, I noticed that this command in flush() for an object:
Hdf5.WriteObject(GroupRoot, this, GroupName);
fails wi…
Hello the HDF group community,
I developped my wrapper HDF5 with HDF PInvoke 1.5.2 and I have an issue while I try to read dataset with compound datatype.
The struct I used is composed of **SByte…
My application uses media playback which requires installed "[MPEG-2 Video Extension](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/mpeg-2-video-extension/9n95q1zzpmh4)".
I know, there is API in Windows.Manageme…