Thanks for your quick response!
I trained with salsa_mos in semantic kitti. When it run here
Lr: 3.977e-03 | Update: 3.258e-04 mean,5.209e-04 std | Epoch: [0][950/2391] | Time 0.6…
Congratulations on being accepted and thanks for the open source work.
Will the edge part data be considered for open source availability?
PS F:\Studying\CY-Workspace\MonoScene-master> python monoscene/scripts/eval_monoscene.py dataset=kitti kitti_root=$KITTI_ROOT kitti_preprocess_root=$KITTI_PREPROCESS n_gpus=1 batch_size=
GPU avai…
Hi, thanks for opening source this brilliant work.
But it seems you miss the ReDAL config file. Could you provide that?
Many thanks~
I'm using the pre-trained RandLANet Tensorflow model from the model zoo to evaluate the validation split of the SemanticKITTI instead of the test split.
The only modification I have done was to rep…
Good morning,
I am trying to do training on a KITTI dataset using a RandLANet model.
I am running the following code in a google Colab environment.
model = RandLANet(name='RandLANet', k_…
Thank you for the realization, great job. I was wondering if you submitted the seq11-21 prediction results to test [codalab](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/20331)?
As far as I know, th…
SemanticKitti Single Scan Semantic Segmentation:
User: yhzhao
Submission attempt 4 (Single scan)
Problem descript…
I am using Open3D-ML and attempting to create a new dataset class. There seems to be an issue when I source the Open3D-ML path I am using. As a test, I ran
import open3d.ml.…