As suggested by **Dragoonseal** in IRC, there should be more opportunities for scrapes, bruises, minor cuts, etc., which could show up as status effects and would provide targets for the first aid sys…
Honestly, its easier to me to ask here, cause you probably already know.
Is **Pinnacle Sports API** free ?
I did quick check, but didn't find pricing .
Also, do you have example app you created usi…
Bonjour, tout nouveau sur le site. Je tiens tout d'abord a féliciter la team vstream pour le travail que vous faite.
Etant fan de NBA, je voulais savoir si c'était possible d'ajouter une source spor…
After upgrading our code-base to 2.1.3, we've been experiencing complete lock-ups where RethinkDB will stop accepting connections entirely, and any active ones no longer function. We haven't been able…
**Challenge**: In a live system we will have no way of hardcoding meaningful min / max values for filters. We need a way to fetch them from the db. These values will need to react to changes in dime…
Hi Andrew,
Big fan of the nfl data ecosystem you built, thanks for all the work put into this.
In an effort to quantify non-skill player performance, I was searching for a way to determine the activ…
第一走全量编译,执行命令python freeline.py -f
然后以后修改都执行命令python freeline.py
[DEBUG] [sync_client] server result is 0
[DEBUG] [sync_client] check sync value failed, maybe you need a clean build.
Some super 90's lookin sites
- https://www.tournamentsoftware.com/
- http://www.r2sports.com/
- http://www.event-man.com/
Pytrainer generates the following errors when started:
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module …
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