It's a fair bit of work to get to a dropdown for each setting. First we need to get all of the settings out into dedicated files and then we can look to create GUI elements to manage each setting. Ult…
I don't see "USD" in the list of types in your `Aspose3DConversionController.cs` do you have a version of this repo that supports USD ?
Does this code can split mp3 audio files into pieces, can it run on ios ?
The python code stopped working and the files stored in Git LFS disappeared.
I've come across a website called www.Magic-League.com, where players are able to join online tournaments and so forth for free. They allow users to choose what application they wish to use as long as…
The `GherkinSyntax` capability of Spectrum makes it a substitute for
- runtime parsing of feature files
- "glue code" which binds the Gherkin syntax to runtime code
In Spectrum, both of the abo…
"The code is read much more often than it is written"
Pep8 provide a reference point (and a standard) for the pythonic way to write code. The PEP8 is the Style Guide for Python Code, and it covers:
Only `ms0:` (memory stick) is mounted.
I see some people, like me, always needing change some objc file or java file to put some macro, annotation or something like this to support React native or other tools. I see people needing m…
The common approach for alpaka device code is to template all functions on the accelerator type:
ALPAKA_ACC_FN int sum(TAcc const& acc, int a, int b) { ... }
Another approa…