program private
integer, dimension(3) :: i
!$omp target teams private(i)
!$omp end target teams
end program
$ flang private.F90 -fopenmp
flang-20: warning: OpenMP support in flang…
VeeEM updated
3 weeks ago
My configuration is as follows
:project_root: ./
:source_root: src/
:inc_root: Inc/
:test_root: ../tests/test/
that configuration is in last release 0.31.t…
Hi, is it possible to use your software on a common raspi4 or can be used on an emonPi only?
When columns of incompatible types are merged by `union`, we currently have the following logic:
- if any of the columns has `Mixed` type, the result has `Mixed` type,
- otherwise, convert all colum…
This is an adapter which converts Mixpanel-exported JSONs into Snowplow unstructured events. It should support:
1. Custom Mixpanel events defined by the Mixpanel user - e.g. "New user sign up"
2. Mixp…
chuwy updated
4 years ago
## This would solve...
The security wg has been looking at auditing build dependencies for Node.js. https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/1236
One area we thought that we could improv…
Using 8000 and nearby ports for Herbie/other servers is likely to cause conflicts. Pick ports that should almost always be open.
Sentry Issue: [STYLO-FRONT-5](https://ecrinum-stylo.sentry.io/issues/12714316/?referrer=github_integration)
Error: TextModel got disposed before DiffEditorWidget model got reset
Error: TextModel…
After upgrading to spring 3.4.0 we are getting this error
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for a node assignment. Call: describeConsumerGroups(api=DESCRIBE_GROUPS)…
There are so many different types of HUB75 LED panels that the 'default' configuration of this library will not work in some cases.
Below is a list of commonly reported issues, and solutions. If y…