Store the mime type and compression in the address manifest so data consumers can do basic stuff with data. E. g. decompressing, generating a concave hull and rendering it to a map for a coverage map.…
I think I can get a concave hull algo quite simply by adding an edge restriction to the tin algo. This can then be added as an optional param in the contour function, which will allow it to handle con…
bc.. See this email for a thourough explanation plus a nice example that shows
what is wrong: http://groups.google.com/group/sympy/msg/8c2e0fa1c8918d8d
p. Original issue for "#3763":https://github.co…
Continuing with my exploration of Random Shapes + Intersection to create interesting mapping...
Can I have a request to create "Fill Hole" node in Sverchok?
Just like Blender "Fill Hole" command in …
I try to draw a simple compound polygon by using ms4w 6.4 with a layer like:
NAME "cola_markets"
CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
Take any 2D child object and loft it to the specified point off of the horizontal plane. This solid is guaranteed to be manifold, even for 2D objects with holes…
I tried to install the pcl on my maverick but one problem accrued during the compile time. As far as I understand, it needs the /usr/local/Cellar/qt/HEAD/lib/QtGui.framework for compile the "lib/libpc…
When creating a new `ScreenShape` like
`ScreenShape *s = new ScreenShape(ScreenShape::SHAPE_CUSTOM);`
And then adding points via
``` s->addShapePoint(x,y);```
Will cause the polygon to overlap it…